Friday, July 29, 2011

This is a Joke Right?


I slept for a bit and went to the Dr's. I waited an hour to see him. I wasn't happy about the wait because I needed to go home and go back to sleep for my shift and it was a 30 min drive to his office. Clearly the visit started off with bad vibes and it didn't get any better from there....

We discussed my heart issues, my pain, my birth control, and my anger.
He told me...
  • Stop the birth control until I get cleared from the heart Dr.
  • He wants to test me for interstitial cystitis
  • Go to pain management therapy (Physical Therapy)
  • He understood why i was mad
Seriously stop my birth control. That's a joke right. I laughed out loud in his face. I told him I'm scared to have my period because I know the pain is going to be horrible. He said that his hands are tied until I can get cleared. He can't promise there isn't a clot and heart issues and so that's why I'm going to the cardiologist.

Being tested for interstitial cystitis... HA.. yeah let's just add one more chronic problem into the mix. Although I can almost swear on everything that I don't have that disease, I probably won't swear because who knows what will happen. Basically it's a problem with my bladder. I don't even know really. It doesn't make sense in my mind. To test for it they stick a catheter into my bladder and stick water in there and I rate my pain. Then they stick potassium in there and again I rate my pain. If there is significant pain with the potassium then I have that. I don't feel like I have any of the symptoms except the pelvic pain, which DUH I'm going to have because of my endometriosis.

He gave me a hand out for pain management therapy. I need to start it soon to see if it helps, but it's time consuming and I'm already going to pt at the chiropractor. Once I finish my paid for appointments with him I will stop going and start my therapy that I really need to do to help me feel better. Not that the therapy I'm doing isn't helping other places, but it's not my main focus, my pain is.

I wish is wasn't so long until I had my next appointment.

I talked to some of my coworkers about my birth control situation and they said they would honestly just stay on it until told by the cardiologist not to. For my first appointment with him I asked him and he said he highly doubted my pain was from the birth control. AAAANNNDDDD when I was in the ER the did tests to see if I had a clot and they came back back negative. After I get cleared I will call the GYN and ask to switch birth control.

Today (Friday) I'm just numb, annoyed, frustrated, and a mixing bowl of other emotions. There are some other things going on, but I am unable to discuss them at this time. I guess that's what happens when I have a public blog ;-)

I'm praying tonight I get through this night at work with serious events!

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