Saturday, July 16, 2011

Family Renion/ FHE Eternal Families

Last week we had a "family reunion" that wasn't really because Aaron and Carrie live in Colorado and Elizabeth and Andrew were with their family with Josiah (my nephew) who was having surgery to get his tonsils out.

We had a fun weekend. I planned to camp out on the mountain, but it was closed due to the weather. So I was going to camp in my parents yard, but that was closed due to my heart issues. (my parents didn't want me to have added stress over staying with the kids in the tent with no other adults.)

Saturday morning we had breakfast together. It was breakfast burritos, pancakes, and fruit. It was delicious! When my nieces and nephews came in they each gave me the biggest hugs and of course the wettest kisses on the cheek! Some of them even told me how much they missed me. They make me feel so loved.
Later we had a slip-n-slide and water wars in the back yard and dinner. It was fun to watch the young kids learn how to slip-n-slide. I did play because I wasn't going to miss the fun on what I helped plan! The poor dogs wouldn't come near us for fear we would spray them... I guess that was smart of them.

Sunday the Turley's (Elizabeth and Andrew) came home. I was so excited to see little Josiah doing well. I hated that I wasn't right there. I want to know first hand what is going on with my nieces and nephews. Avery and Josiah followed suit and gave me lots of love and were excited to see me as well. We all talked to my parents for a bit and then we all departed to get ready for church.
After church we ate ice cream on behalf of Josiah. Poor Josiah... He wanted some, but he just stirred it because it hurt to bad to swallow it. We even let him sit on grandma's new couches to tempt him to eat it, but nothing. I did share my ice cream with my niece that is almost 2 because that's what the favorite aunt does!

Monday I went to Elizabeth's house (she lives like 50-75 yards away from my parents) to see how the little Josiah was doing. I convinced him to drink some root beer out of a syringe (he loved to do it all by himself. That was the only way my sister was getting him to drink) and to take some licks of a green Popsicle because green is the fav color among Bryce grand kids. (John Deere green mind you!) I went shopping with my sister and bought a cute dress to wear over my swim suit.

Family Home Evening (FHE).... I was really nervous for this. I decided I wanted to plan a big family home evening including all the families. I talked to my mom and dad about my ideas and they helped me make them come to life.
We started by singing "Families Can Be Together Forever" (is that the real name... I don't know)
Then for the activity... Each family was given a card with a location outside and a color. They were to follow each cards instructions and go on a "scavenger" hunt. The cards were life choices. One said "You had family prayers move on to the_____ (another location).) The next one said "Oh no someone hit their brother or sister. You are now off track, but move on to _____.) Next said something along the lines of repent and go back to get back on track. Next, " You said sorry and said your prayers. Go to _____." Last "Heavenly Father is happy when we do what is right. When we make good choices we can go to the Celestial Kingdom. Go to ___ to enter into the Celestial Kingdom." Our "Heaven" included ice cream (OF COURSE) and family! Once we came back inside we talked about how we all go down different paths and how it is important to make good choices so we can be with our families forever!
Refreshments, of course, included ice cream and various toppings. I considered making brownies, but because of my gluten free status, I didn't want to be tempted.

Overall it turned out pretty much fabulous. It was fun to have most of my family there. It did feel weird not to have Aaron and Carrie there, but that's the part of the lesson where everyone goes down different paths in different directions, but we all will end up together in the end!

I am blessed to have a family here on Earth that loves me for who I am and holds me close, but gives me enough space to spread my wings. Heavenly Father knew I couldn't do it with out family so he made sure I came from a big one! Each member of my family is so different. Sure we have things in common, but wow we are different. I love my family! I love being an aunt of the cutest kids in the PLANET!!!! 10 plus 2 on the way!

Bryce Family = AMAZING!

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