Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Weekend is Over

Here I am at working eating the most fattening thing in the history of man. I'm grossed out that I'm eating this to be honest. I mean it's Tatar tots and chicken strips. Maybe it's the fact that is was deep fried in a big huge thing of OIL! I'm grossed out and yet keep eating! (Just if you all wanted to know!)

My two days off of work were nice. Jamie and I went and saw Captain America. I was surprised by it. I liked it more than I thought I would. I wanted to go to the movies just so I could eat the popcorn. Jamie was talking about popcorn and how much it was and discussing if I really wanted to pay that much for popcorn. Me being the emotional WRECK that I am turned it into... You're fat and shouldn't eat popcorn. However none of that was ever even remotely said. I cried because I thought I was fat. Then we went to the movies and I ate popcorn! Jamie reassured me that he loves me and I'm not anywhere near fat and how he never once called me fat and that conversation had nothing to do with anything fat. HA!

I went back to the gym. I couldn't have been happier about going back. I was nervous, but I just decided to go for it! I told Jamie it was a good thing he was there because if I went down he would know all my medical history. It was so fabulous working out my legs again. Because of pt I have been having pains in one of the back of my legs. NOW I have pain in both my legs and cheeks, but it is a good burn. I did these amazing lunges with kicks and I could barely walk after. The kick was the real KICKER! (haha!) I also did a lot of step ups and squats and some other fun things. Every time my heart would get over 120 I would get really bad pain in my chest. I almost passed out, but I was happy to be there. It made me feel in control again of my body. It made me feel healthy.

This week I have a lot of stuff, but most of it is good stuff.... Massage, Hawaiian pool party for my friend Meg, and pt. I'm excited for the pool party because Meg is such a great person! I'm excited to celebrate with her for her birthday. Jamie is excited too because he really thinks and talks highly of her. She has been a great support to me and secretly follows my blog when she gets bored. She is a great coworker and a super-fabulous friend!

My goal for this week is to go back to the gym at least one more time. OOOOHHHH and my sisters and my mom are coming to go school clothes shopping. My 2 oldest nieces are coming. I'm rather excited about all this. We are going to lunch and Jamie will get to meet my sister Elizabeth for the first time. I'm so excited to have a girls shopping trip. Family is a blessing! ♥

1 comment:

  1. I just love reading your blog! You are such an inspiration!!
