Friday, August 26, 2011

Next Step

I went to my Gyn today... Dr. M. I LOVE him. I more than love him. He is such an amazing doctor. I mostly like him because I feel like he listens to all my concerns and let's face it... I have a lot. Jamie was so sweet and met me up at the office. He kept me laughing so I wouldn't be nervous. There were a strange mix of people that came through the office. A lot of pregnant people. It's always awkward to be surrounded with pregnant people.

Dr. M came in and we talked about my recent trip to the ER. He seems actually concerned with my pain. He was concerned because I'm taking so much ibuprofen that he doesn't want me to make my body even more sick. He wants to help me at least that's how I feel. He thinks the pain is from a cyst that ruptured. He said the pain will be there possibly up to 10 days because there is fluid and the body has to absorb it all. So it will take time and patience as that happens. He really is pushing for this interstitial cystitis test which will be done on the 16th. He said, "We are searching for a zebra." He wants to rule it out and cover all the bases. (Interstitial cystitis is kind of like having ulcers, but in your bladder) I told him I'm frustrated and I'm almost to my breaking point and he said he wants to get this taken care of before that point. He answered my questions and Jamie's too. I love that Dr. M takes time to answer questions from the people that care about me the most. He has been so sweet to my mom and Jamie. It just makes me so happy.

Although my pain is still pretty rough and it doesn't go away with the meds I'm taking... I'm just glad to know that for the most part I have a plan and we are taking the next step. I know what is going to happen from here. I know that if I have this new disease I will do x, y, and z. I know that if I don't then we will continue to treat the endo and we will work to get the pain under control.

I was talking to Jamie tonight and I was talking to him about if I have this I will be on this new diet and how I'm not to excited and he said yeah I know I saw that. WOW! He took the time to look up the disease and ways to treat it. He took the time to see how to help me and keep me healthy. I cried. I just can't believe that someone would care that much about me to go out of his way to do that. Monday we leave to go on a 4 day cruise. I am SUPER DEE DUPER excited! We deserve this get away. We are both praying for a pain free week and no attacks (and no throwing up on the boat!)

****SIDE NOTE****
Isn't it amazing that EVERYONE knows the smell of popcorn and how the smell can flow all through a building!

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