Monday, August 8, 2011


I had a fabulous weekend! It was filled with friends, family and a lot of love!

Friday night my friend Meg had a birthday party. It was a blast! Jamie and I enjoyed spending time in the pool and talking to everyone. The cupcakes were delicious! I ate 3 of them and seriously considered eating more!

Saturday morning I met of with my 2 sisters, my mom, and my 2 oldest nieces and 1 nephew to go shopping. We walked a lot and it was hot every time we had to go to and from the car. It was fun to spend time with them and enjoy school clothes shopping. I love my fabulous family! I was telling my mom that I was sad because my new room doesn't feel like home so she helped me buy a few things to make my room a little happier!

After I went home and took a little nap Jamie decided that he wanted to take me out. Jamie decided to take me to a place to to country dance. I was a little shocked that he would want to go to a country place since he doesn't really like country music. We didn't really dance because everyone was 2 stepping and swing dancing, but Jamie doesn't know how to do that and I'm not the best teacher. I can dance if I have a good partner so I will have to teach Jamie so we can go back and dance. I got to put on my cowgirl boots and it was a blast!!! I was singing so loud to all the songs and I asked Jamie if he even know this side of me. He said he knew, but just had never seen it before. We laughed a lot and I was so happy!

Sunday morning was church in a new branch. It's interesting to say the least. Later, Erica, another friend, had her birthday dinner so I went to that. It's always fun to meet up with friends and laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine!

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