Monday, August 22, 2011

In Terms of the Heart

Last week I FINALLY was able to follow up with my cardiologist. I got all my results back! Dr. S. said that everything looks good. I had a few times where my heart would race, but it always slowed back down. The highest it got was 167 and then it dropped to 47 when I was waking up or possibly still asleep. My echo (ultrasound of the heart) results were good. There were no signs of a bad murmur or even a murmur at all. He did say that racing heart it completely normal for the most part. He told me that if it is racing for over 5 min and then I should start to be a tad concerned. He gave me some tips to bring it down. If it continues to last then I should go to the ER. I'm sure it won't last and I'm so glad to know that for the most part my heart is FABULOUS and I'm cleared to go and do whatever my heart desires! He was shocked at how AMAZING my cholesterol is. My good cholesterol is really high and he got this strange look on his face when he was dictating about my chart into the computer.

I am looking at the current results and the results from blood work taken last year. My cholesterol has changed for the good and my triglycerides have gone down. I am grateful for the weight that I have lost. No I may not be the skinniest girl in town, but I am healthy. I have the blood work to PROVE IT!

It has come to my recent attention that I can take pain meds for my pain (which I NEVER do), but those don't even work. SWEET!!! I love it. I have a this fabulous heat pack that I warm up in the microwave and it smells good and that has been kind of my comfort blanket recently. Thank you Mom for letting me steal it from you!

Well at least I have some answers for the physical well being of my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear your heart is good! I have had like 5 different pain meds prescribed to me and none of them really do any good, but I have the same type of heat pad and it's totally a lifesaver! Hopefully your heart stays good and your pain stays managed!
