Monday, June 27, 2011


Well It's official... I've hit a plateau. I'm currently stuck at 120 pounds.

I don't mind being 120, but I did set a goal to do a bikini show on July 23rd. If I can't shake these last 10 pounds I'm going to have to give up on that goal.

This week is going to be a CRAZY week. Today, Monday, is my only day off. That's right I'm working to pay off those tires I bought. Oh and did I mention we are moving this week. Yeah we are moving across the freeway, but man it feels like 150 miles away.

I however need to set up some goals right now. So here it goes.....


No sugar

Cardio 2 times a day


I keep giving myself pep talks because I only have a month more to go! AHHHH! You can do anything for a month right?!


1 comment:

  1. So I think it's pretty crazy that you call 120 a plateau...most people call that their goal weight...but I hope you reach your goal. It sounds like you've worked so hard so you deserve it. I hope your survive working that much this week! I can NEVER lose weight when I'm sleep deprived so I hope your body is nicer to you than mine.
