Tuesday, June 14, 2011

10 Things That Make Me Go... AHHHHH!!!

ONE- meeting my weight goal for the week...

TWO- so many people at the gym I can't do the machines or exercises I want, nor find the proper weights...

THREE- drinking a strawberry smoothie...

FOUR- not getting my rebate after a month...

FIVE- 3 days 100% gluten free (including oats)...

SIX- cravings (sometimes I see dancing bread with butter!)...

SEVEN- buying myself purple daisies...

EIGHT- doing laundry...

NINE- bubble baths!!!

TEN- preparing meals for 4 days at work...

For my next goal I just want to manage my eating during my work week. That means I have to go get my meals ready, which I HATE left overs so this should be interesting....

1 comment:

  1. Way to go on 122!!! Pretty sure the only screen #1 I'll ever see that number on is for my blood pressure. (:
    #6 And I love the dancing bread with butter image. Not sure I've ever imagined food dancing...
    My dad's been doing a gluten/dairy free diet for the last few months (for allergy/asthma stuff) but he can have things like Spelt flour and oats. I guess that means his problem is more with the actual wheat than the gluten? Is it just the actual gluten that effects your endometriosis? I guess I could go look that up.
    #7 Pretty sure I didn't know purple daisies existed, I would have thought you were a pink daisy kinda girl...
    #9 AMEN!
