Thursday, June 23, 2011

What a day Moday was!

Monday was a real doozie!!!

I put on my new favorite pair of shorts, a tank, and even put a bow in my hair and went to the mall with Jamie and his daughter Sara. I was looking for a shirt for an upcoming photo shoot with one of my friends. As I walked through the mall I realized the following things...

ONE- My favorite shorts are now to big because of my recent goals

TWO- I really wanted Panda Express but EVERYTHING contains wheat...

THREE- Why can't I just design my own clothes because I have cute ideas that no store has!

After discovering number 2 the day sorta went down hill from there. I cried the entire way home, a couple hours at home, and then I finally called my mommy! Mommy's make everything better. I cried and told her I hated everything because at that moment I surely did hate EVERYTHING! Wouldn't you know that my mom told me the best advice ever... "Go and eat a bowl of ice cream." YES!!! Mom you are so right! Ice cream makes everything better. She also said I should call the doctor and make an appointment to see what else could be done with out risking it all on the Lupron. After I finished crying to my mother I went to the gym.

BUT AFTER THE GYM... I hate a big bowl of ice cream and cried some more. If you can't tell by now... I cry a lot! (It runs in my family.) I kept texting Jamie while I was throwing myself a pity party in my bed.

During this pity party I called on the Lord for strength and he sent my guardian angels to hold me tight. As I cried and pleaded I could feel arms wrapped around me holding me tight. I kept asking why me, WHY ME! I read some talks from the general authorities and watched some Mormon ads. (I will try and post them later.) After hours of asking why me I finally decided, welp being sad and asking why me isn't getting me anywhere, so I better try something new.

My something new... Jamie came over with comfort food... LAFFY TAFFYS!!!! He surprised me and showed up and even brought my favorite snacky snack for me to eat to heal my heart since the ice cream had only partially healed it. With Jamie there I got to talk out my feelings and talk about Heavenly Father and Jesus. He reminded me that they know who I am and my pain. He reminded me they hear my prayers and know my pain.

I had to go through all the tears and such to be reminded again that some trials may never go away, but the Lord will give you strength EVERY DAY to get through them. I may not like my trails.... In fact I was wishing I had other trials instead of the ones I have because they are hard. I was reminded that I am a strong woman and my trials are because I am so strong and can handle it. (I'm not sure if it's I'm strong or stubborn!)

May the Lord bless us to learn and grow from the things he sees fit to send us!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Stephanie I'm so sorry about all the you are going through. Trials are no fun! I was reading the June Ensign and in the talk "He Carried My Sorrows." It said:"Trust in the Lord.", "Just whn all seems to be going riht, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobediene, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding and compassion, which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain." It's a really good article it helped me go through my little trial. Hope this helps! I hope you feel better! I agree ice cream and Mommy seem to make things better. Sorry it's kind of a long post:)
