Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mud Everywhere, but No Rain

There he is! My Officer in shining MUD!

I met Jamie and his fellow officers down at the academy where they train at this morning around 10:30. I followed them to this dog park where they had a fire hose out making this area nice a muddy. Jamie was the first to ride through. (I'm pretty sure he was showing off for me) The first time he went through no problem. The other guys went and both fell into the mud. Jamie went again and this time I was filming. He fell of course. I felt bad only because I knew he didn't want to fall and be all muddy.  They all went through about 10 times and by the end they all were staying up. I was really proud of him. If they put down their feet at anytime they have to do mandatory fall and rolls. So...

There he is on the left doing his mandatory falls with his fellow classmates. When they told him to do the rolls in the mud he immediately ran out and started to roll and didn't even wait for the other guys. Then they got in sync and did their rolls perfectly together. 

After all the rolling and stuff they rinsed off and I headed home knowing that I would be doing laundry later. So what am I doing right now... Laundry. Where is everyone? Asleep. Oh well. Hopefully at one point I stay up late at night taking care of a baby or something not just doing boring things like laundry. 
(yes, I have baby on the brain)

I was glad I went to go watch Jamie today. None of the other student's wives were there, but I wanted to be there to support him. And they learned not to go into the mud and how to control the bike when the roads are wet, which is really important because that could be very very dangerous.

So his house might have mud everywhere, but I will get it cleaned before everyone wakes up. Including his vest, boots, belt, gloves, and anything else. I wish I could marry myself. I would make a good wife!

1 comment:

  1. They look like they were having fun rolling in the mud. Yes driving under those conditions on a motorcycle is very dangerous. I remember the time I fell off the back of the bike during one of those rain storms. EEK!
