Sunday, September 23, 2012

God's Hand

Today I was driving to my parents house to attend school in the AM. This drive is about 2 hours give or take. There are often people riding bikes along the road, going through the reservation there are hitch hikers. This evening I was just outside of town where I noticed a female around 18-28 walking with a boy around 8-12 walking 2 dogs, rolling luggage, and the boy was also carrying a pillow. Now I don't stop for anyone or anything. Not even bad car accidents even technically I'm trained, but it's just not something I do when I'm alone. It's not a safe thing to do. I kept driving. My mind began thinking and my heart pounding. I knew it was Heavenly Father touching my heart to turn around.

I was fighting with my self over turning around vs not. I was literally to the last place to turn around when something took over and I turned on my blinker and turned around. I immediately started praying. I did not know what I was going to do or how to help these people, but I just knew I had to. By the time I got back to them they were loading up in the back of someone's truck. The look on the woman's face was that of worry, scared, sad, and hope. I practically had stopped when the truck got back on the road. The driver waved me to go around so I did. I just continued to drive the rest of the way home.

I started crying after this. It was so emotional for me to actually feel God's hand in my life. I know I did not help those people, but maybe that wasn't the point. Maybe the point was to see if I was willing and ready to help when God calls upon me. I was crying because I'm under a lot of stress lately, but NOTHING compares to that. NOTHING at all. There is nothing in my life that is even close to that. I don't know who these people were or what their story is. All I know is that I hope and pray that they will have strength to keep fighting through whatever is going on in their life.

Sometimes I feel so alone. Yeah I know God is out there, but I just don't always feel close to him. Today when I felt God's hand in my life it's like He knew EXACTLY where I was, what I was doing, and where I was going. He knew everything.

I know to some people this may not make much sense and I'm sure there are critics out there who can say I just turned around just because and if God really was making you feel that way then why was someone else already there. I know that is was God's hand in my life. I know that maybe I was to turn around because it was a test to see if I'm ready for something else bigger to come. I know God knows me and loves me! He knows my stresses and everything going on in my life.

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