Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas and More!

I arrived home Wednesday evening to my parents house to begin Christmas. My nephew Josiah decided that he wanted to have a sleep over at my parents house so he was there enjoying time with my parents. They had made snowman pancakes and so I had one too. I had so much fun spending time with Josiah. I got to read to him bedtime stories. We sang together and even said prayers together. When I put him to bed I crawled into the bed and even fell asleep with him for a bit. The next morning he wanted snowman pancakes again. I even put chocolate chips for the eyes, nose, mouth, and buttons. They were also covered in snow, or powdered sugar for those lame people that don't know what snow is!

Christmas Eve was filled with so much love and memories. Jamie came down to spend Christmas with me for the first time since we started dating over 2 years ago. When he arrived my family was gathered making enchiladas in the dutch oven. After we ate dinner we had our family Nativity. Let me add here that I have NEVER invited anyone to my family Christmas nativity. Jamie had never done anything like this before and was still willing to be a wise man. I played an angel with my 2 oldest nieces and had fun. My mom then read us a story about believing in Santa and how Santa is like Jesus. We ate cobbler for dessert! YUMMM!!!

Later Jamie and I got to play Santa's helpers as we put together a red wagon for my parents. Then we had to walk up to my sister's house because we needed to deliver a special present to my parents. Us siblings chipped in and made my parents a picnic table. We put our hand prints on it with our names. I had put my hands in the shape of a heart because Family= LOVE! Elizabeth (my sister), Andrew (my brother in law), Shane (my other brother in law), Jamie and I all helped to move the picnic table into my parents front yard. We had to be very quiet and the dogs were going crazy! How we never got caught I don't actually know!

Christmas morning was my parents, Jamie and I. We shared gifts, laughed, oh'ed and awed over presents and then ate HOMEMADE cinnamon rolls. Jamie got my sweats, a sweater, and a gift card all from V.S. He also got me a new toothbrush! My parents got me the angel that now completes my own nativity set that my mom got me for my birthday and Christmas. I also got a lace skirt from my parents and a picture that is a quote about being a princess from my dad. My brother got my a waffle maker.

All the gifts were good, but the best gift that I got this Christmas was... Spending time with almost everyone I love in one place at one time. I cried (because I'm a baby) to have everyone together because it's been such an emotional year that having everyone together is just what I needed to end the year off right.

Jamie had to leave earlier than expected because his daughter was sick so she was dropped back off at his house. He didn't want her to be alone on Christmas so he hurried home. I cried for a long, long time when he left. I was pissed. I was really upset, but that's a whole different story.... He felt really bad for having to leave, but he needed to be there for his daughter.

Later during family dinner my sisters went on and on about how amazing his and what I great guy I have. DUH PEOPLE!!!! I've been trying to tell you that for like 2 years now!

Monday I had lunch with my best friend from high school! It was so much fun to just talk like old times and just be around someone my age that totally gets me and laughs about all the same stupid stuff that I do. We gossiped like any girl would do and laughed so loud people were probably annoyed.

Tuesday afternoon when it was time for me to go home my grandpa brought over a late birthday present which was a frame for a painting I had made a few years back. The frame was PERFECT for the painting and I can not wait to hang it up! As I came to my sister's house to tell her goodbye Josiah crawled up on my lap and took a blanket and cuddled with me. I love him! Sadly they are moving to Utah this coming week and I am really sad although I have already promised them that I am coming and will be making a snowman with them as requested by Avery and Josiah!

I loved being home! I seriously have so much more appreciation for the small things in my life now. I guess a cancer scare can do that too you. Yup I just used the "c" word!!! I am so ready for this all to be a thing of the past, but until then I will continue to push through all this and become the best I can.

Thank you to God for an amazing Christmas in the arms of the ones I love!

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