Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Note

Having the last 6 days off have been great I must say. I did have to go into work one morning to "update" my skills, but that was no biggee.

I have been sick 5 out of 6 days. Why do I work with a bunch of sick kids who sneeze, cough, hold my hand, and hug me. Oh because they are so DARN cute! I love those kids. Although they will probably never remember me again it's nice to be around those loving kids.

Today is kind of a bad day. *graphic details ahead* So as it goes women switch every month from which side the ovulate from and so on and so forth. When it comes to my right side it is brutal! Then when I'm supposed to have my period it is another round of uncomfortable pain and such. Last time i ended up in the ER from so much pain. Since I'm currently not able to move very well I'm sitting on the couch watching "The Notebook" which I will probably end up crying by the end. What I don't understand is why I can still be in so much pain, but I don't have periods because I'm on continuous birth control. I don't get it! I honestly have not had a period since my surgery because I am too scared to find out what will happen if I do.

I spent my days off working out at the gym which was a nice time. I really do like to go to the gym and burn off some of those extra calories. It makes me feel good about myself. Like I'm in control and I am doing something for me. I am always searching to be in control which lately I'm not in control of much.

I also spent hours upon hours cleaning. Jamie's house to be exact. I think it's all the medicine went to my head and made me a little crazy. I seriously deep cleaned 2 bathrooms and the kitchen.

What I seriously want right now is some cookie dough ice cream. If that could magically appear in my hand right now, THAT would be GREAT. I keep trying to tell Jamie to bring me some... He keeps saying he is looking for bad guys. PSH! like THAT is important or something!


  1. I had pain on BCP too after the surgery. RE said it was probably scar tissue plus there's estrogen in BCP so the endo was also growing then. *sigh* My first period after the lap was 8 months later and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, which is not saying a lot I realize haha but we'll take anything right? Once everything heals and the bcp helps to keep your lining thing, I hope yours won't be as bad as your worried about it being either! *hugs*

  2. If my little boys ever have to go the Hospital I sure hope they have a sweet nurse like you that will hold their hand even if they're sneezing/coughing <3
    And I sure wish I lived closer so you could motivate me to get out of my warm house and go to the gym more than just 2 or 3 times a week! Maybe we'll find a job in Mesa?

  3. @EndoJourney... I am keeping up with you latest. Thank you for being so raw and honest about what is going on in your life. I often feel like I'm crazy so it's nice to know there are others out there!

    @Emily... Please move closer! I'm sad I didn't even get to see you once when you were here! You used to motivate me all the time to go to the gym. Jason would come too. You guys are missed by me!
