Saturday, March 26, 2011


I love to learn. I really do. I don't like learning in a class room, but I do love to learn from hands on experiences. I believe that we should continue to learn every day. Well I'm learning alright. Here are some things I'm learning...

Endometriosis hurts and it is not very much fun.
How to cope.
People will not always understand and that is okay.
Watching someone you love going through something hard is tough.
To say thank you when people say little things that mean a lot to me like, "I wish you didn't have this disease," or "I wish I could take it away."
It's okay to cry.
I will get through this!
I need to work on patience because all this takes a while.

I ran Friday morning when I got off work I completed my first week of running. (at least my first week according to the program. I actually am trying to run 5 days instead of just 3) I should feel proud of myself, but I didn't feel so well when I finished so I just kind of collapsed on the floor instead. I thought training for the warrior dash would be easy. I thought that I could do these runs with no effect on my body, but that has proven to be untrue. I'm in this though and I'm going to run this dash. It may hurt some days, but I need to feel like I can do things.

For you people out there that can run and jump and do all these things I can't do with out causing myself pain CONGRATS to you! But know that for people like me we have another obstacle to over come. It's not easy for me to get out of bed some days. It's not easy for me to run. Running bounces my insides. Running causes my bowels to move which sometimes hurts. To complete this run to me is like showing endo that I'm not going to stand for the pain. I'm showing myself that I'm worth more than pain!

I'm taking a stand.

Who else will take a stand against endometriosis and (at least) LEARN about the disease?!


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