Monday, October 8, 2012

The D Word

I had my ultrasound Friday morning. The office was quite and the only people there were the ultrasound lady and I. I'm not sure of her name, but every time she is so sweet. This trip she shared with me that she too had endo and felt bad for me and my pain.

As much as I wanted to see something like a cyst or ANYTHING... I knew there would be nothing. I knew in my heart that the only thing that is wrong is a mysterious disease that can't be seen through ultrasound. Although maybe the sudden sharp pain could be cysts because the ultrasound was 3 weeks out from the last MAJOR episode. I don't know what to think. I'm just hoping that it's something other than the endo.

I think I'm still in denial about my disease. Ugh I hate that word. Disease. Stupid! An incurable, invisible disease. 

I do realize that I am lucky. No I don't have pain everyday, but at least 3 times a week my body will remind me that it's there. Mostly it's just a twinge of pain. A tightness. Maybe I just learned how to deal with the pain better... I know when I start to feel that twinge and tightness that I need to sit and be still. Not move. Don't try to walk. Don't try and stretch, cough, sneeze. Most of the time that works, but there are always the times where I'm just standing there talking minding my own manners and BAM! No little twinge to give me a heads up just the BAM! Those are the ones I hate the most. 

Knock on wood that I have yet to have one of these graceful episodes at school. I often think of what I will do. People don't know me or my story and I would feel so awkward if that happened. I would be so embarrassed. 

Anyways... I guess I should make a follow up appointment with the Dr to discuss my nothingness. I just don't get it. I mean it's almost every other month like to the T. It's usually the right side. It's almost like my period, but I don't get my period due to the continuous BC. That's what I don't get. Why is my body still trying to make and egg or something. I don't know what it's doing really!

All these other fabulous women out there know there body so well. They know what they are looking for and what everything means. Meanwhile in Stephanie Land I'm just like "La Dee Da" It goes back to me being in denial. If I don't know then it can't hurt me... WRONG. 

PS just heard a strange noise in the house and almost cried. Probably the ice machine.

Okay enough of this rant... I have a skills test today followed by a quiz and a major exam tomorrow. Focus!

1 comment:

  1. Endo sucks! I've had the pain come on at random times too. I warned my female dentist that I have it so that if I need to sit up quickly and clutch my lower abdomen and moan she'll understand.
