Saturday, October 20, 2012

Growing Inside

Sunday night I returned back to my parents house and stayed up until about 130 am finishing up drug cards. I then had to wake up Monday morning at 545 to go to my clinical at the hospital for respiratory observation. I was almost late. They say if you are even a minute late you get sent home. I walked into the hospital at 629. That was a little too close for comfort!

Monday night I was working hard on an assignment for my radiology observation Tuesday morning. It was probably about 9ish I went to the bathroom only to realize I was spotting. WTF!!!! How can this even be happening. I'm on continuous birth control. I haven't missed any pills. I take it at the same time. I am dedicated to this stupid birth control like a marriage! HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS HAPPENING! I began to freak out. Everything was going through my mind. I have cancer. It's back. It's going to kill me dead. I was pregnant and having a miscarriage. No this isn't crazy bleeding. I just had an ultrasound and know I am not pregnant nor do I have a cyst. I was at the kitchen table alone, scared, panicking. I text my mom from the other room to have her come see me. I told her what was going on. She looks concerned too. We decided it would be pointless to call the on call dr because they would just say go to the er or something stupid like that. Mom went to bed. I stayed up until 1230.

Tuesday I woke up at 530 and made it to the hospital on time. I called the Dr when I was done in between clinical and class. Got home and took a nap. The nurse called me. I missed it. I called back. She got some information from me. She was asking all sorts of things. I had to tell her at least 3 times that I have been on continuous bc for almost 2 years and have only let myself have a period once because Dr. M told me I didn't need to and the last time was Feb 2012. Surgery was Feb 2011 diagnosed with the Endo. So she decides that I need to come in for an ultrasound. I then tell her I just had one like 2 weeks ago and that I was told there was no cyst. She then said well I guess you don't need that. Let me talk to Dr. M and I will call you back. I decided to take a nap while waiting. The nap was like an hour. The nurse called and said Dr. M thinks that it must be the endo. GREAT! He just told me like a month ago that basically there was no way the endo could be growing with the continuous bc. So now it is growing all of the sudden? UGH! I just thanked her for calling me back and that was that. I don't know what to do. I feel so confused. I feel so angry and miserable.

Wednesday I did get to sleep in. Went to class at noon-3 drove back to my house. Saw Jamie for 5 min. Kissed him. He went to work. I went to work. Thankfully I was let off early. Went to bed at 430

Thursday woke up at 9. Drove back to my parents. Changed my scrubs. Went back to the hospital for a computer class that lasted an hour and a half. (Not even as long as the drive back!) Went to the care center to start my care plan. Went home. Worked on my care plan. Curled up on the couch to nap for an hour. Woke back up and finished with my care plan. Went to bed at 1230.

Friday woke up at 5. Had to be at clinical at 6. Rocked out my clinical. (Had a real patient. My own real patient!) Got done and drove back to my real home. Jamie had a massage lined up for me and paid for when I got back into town. Met up with him after. Dang he is hot in his uniform! <3 and="and" asleep.="asleep." bed="bed" computer="computer" fell="fell" home.="home." in="in" watched="watched" went="went">
Saturday slept! Went to the gym!!!!! Got out some anger. Went to work.

I think I'm done spotting as of today (Saturday.) I'm not even sure what to think of this all. I'm so confused. How can this be happening. Why is this happening. What is the plan now. Am I going to still have periods every month even though I'm on the bc? Is this stress related? I was really stressed out with my C scared and nothing like this ever happened. What do I do. I just want to cry my eyes out. There are so many questions and no answers. I feel like if I ask I will be shut down. I don't even want to bother making an appointment with Dr M because I feel like it's so pointless. ANY SUGGESTIONS!!!???!!!?!?!?!



  1. What type of cancer did you have before?

    I've had some major break through bleeding while on BCP, even after being on it for a few months straight.

    Hope all goes well.

    1. I'm just being over dramatic. I just had the precancer on my cervix. It was the last stage of precancer before it turns to cancer. One of the biggest signs that it has turned is spotting.

      I just hope it doesn't happen again!
