Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Getting on the Bike

Jamie and I have been looking for bikes for a few weeks now on c.list. We spent Monday afternoon going around to different houses looking at bikes. The best part is... Jamie sold his truck to one of his friends so we had to go borrow that said truck to pick up the bikes... BEST PART... we didn't even get a bike! Not one! I was pretty deflated by the whole thing because I was really looking forward to finally getting out and training on a REAL bike because it's so different than a spinning bike at the gym.

Tuesday (today) we had to go to the local good.will to pick up a skirt for Sara because she is going on a pioneer trek. We found a decent skirt for her to hike in and we were about to leave when I told Jamie we should check out the bikes. He laughed because he had been there days earlier to look for a bike and there was nothing! He humored me and walked back there. There was a bike. Sure the tires were flat and the seat cover was kind of coming up, but it was the right size for us to share and it was... Drum roll please... THIRTY DOLLARS. I was so excited that we were finally getting a bike! (I still need one for me, but that's besides the point here.)

We were actually on the way to the gym when we got the bike so we took it home. In all the excitement of the new bike we put air in the tires and gave it a quick ride. I then convinced Jamie that we should go on a "bike" ride together. Actually to be honest there wasn't much convincing involved because he is such a good sport. Our "bike" ride consisted of me riding the new to us bike and Jamie following me on his motorcycle. He has his police bike and another motorcycle that are both the same except one is black and white and has lights and the other is blue. Anyways... Yes, he rode behind me and on occasion beside me giving me encouragement and cheering me on. Have I told you guys that I love him? Because I do! I seriously wanted to give up after the first mile because it was all mostly up hill. I was so ready to turn around and go back home, but I'm so glad I stuck it out. I ended up riding 4 miles! I'm a third of the way there! The tri ride is 12 miles so I have some work to do, but I cant help but feel so proud of myself for the hard work I did today. I feel accomplished.

When I got off the bike I did have some mild cramping but no real "endo" type pain which is FABULOUS. Speaking of my womanly issues.... the 20th is my next set of biopsies on my cervix. As it creeps closer I get more nervous about it. Like I've said 1,000 times before NO I don't think I'm going to die from cancer, but just the thought of those little precancerous cells just chillin in there waiting to spread and burst into cancer scares me! I try not to dwell on the scary stuff and try really hard to be positive, but when you have had a few bad tests results it's easy to focus on the scary things. My mom will be coming up on Monday and staying for my Tuesday appointment. At least I think she is coming Monday... Not sure on that yet, but I do know I'm gonna do some shopping with her because it's her spring break and so we wanted to have some girl time (as if having a biopsy of my cervix isn't enough girl time.) I originally told my mom that she didn't have to come because I know what to expect this time and what I really want is to not be alone when they call me with the test results. I swear every time they call I am driving down the freeway at 80mph alone and they tell me bad news and I'm pretty sure I become unsafe on the road! HA! Anyways... She will be there and when all the shopping is done (assuming I feel up to the shopping) Jamie will be there waiting for me to give me a big hug and kiss and just my body pillow and warm blanket and anything else I need.

Oh one last thing... my heart has been giving me issues again. Well I'm not sure if again or if it's been an on going thing that I've just been ignoring. Whatever the case may be it's being problematic. When I run or walk at a high incline and get my heart rate over 160 my heart starts hurting. I usually try to ignore it, but I guess it's time to go back to my Dr and see about going again to the cardiologist. Boo. They just look at me like I'm crazy because I'm too young to have all these problems. Tell my body that not me. I have the body of a 87 year old. If I was a normal 23 year old I would have a husband, a house, a kid, another on the way, and a dog, but I am not normal and that's okay with me. I love my little 'ol life no matter how many curve balls get thrown my way.


  1. Have you been placed on beta blockers? When I start exercising again my regular ole' blood pressure medicine, which is a combination alpha and beta blocker, isn't enough and they put me on an additional beta blocker. My heart rate zooms to well over 200. Resting I can get it as low as 60. So just be careful please!

    I'm hoping that all will be well with your appointment on the 20th. Saying a prayer for you.

    1. No beta blockers for me. When I went to the cardiologist before he said I was super healthy and my blood work proved it, but I just get a little worried that when I'm really pushing myself it hurts. I would rather be on the safe side and go to the dr than keep pushing myself and hurting my body
