Saturday, March 24, 2012


So I must admit that I've been really stressed about this whole waiting nonsense. I was REALLY hoping that when I woke up this morning there would be a voicemail waiting. Speaking of voice mails... Thursday when I woke up there was a voicemail and I got really excited, but it was from my other Dr.'s office reminding me that I have an appointment on Tuesday. Which I wonder what I was thinking when I scheduled that appointment because I have to work that night. Oh well whatever wouldn't be the first time I lost sleep by going to a Dr's appointment.

Back to the issue at hand... I now have to wait until Monday to get my results and it better be only til Monday because my heart palpitations are going WILD with excitement. I had a dream last night that they called and left a message and when I called them back they told me that everything was perfect and it was just a fluke deal and that he would see me in 6 months to follow up with me then. I remember being so excited and relieved. Please Dear God, let that be a dream come true, but thy will be done (That is my constant prayer.)

The last few days have just been really stressful and I have been feeling really deflated and just sort of floating through everything in my life. I've been thinking a lot lately about a bucket list. Yeah that's right I said it. BUCKET LIST! (My best friend is going to kill me when she reads this because she hates when I say that.) I should really come up with a better name for it because it sounds kind of sad, but really I don't look at it that way. Just things that I want to before I can't do them anymore. One of the things that was on this list was going to "Wicked" the musical. Earlier this month I went with some of the women in my family and it was amazing! So I checked that off the "List!"

Something that I have been dying to do is going to a concert. I've never really been to a real concert where people are dancing and singing along and having fun. I was raised mostly on listening to country music and that has always been something Jamie and I don't get along about. Today I was talking to him about this big concert event where you pay x amount of money and get to see 4 different concerts during the year. I had asked my best friend, but she wasn't able to attend some of the concerts so it would be pointless so I was really bummed. As I was talking to Jamie about it (via text because I hardly ever see him) I expressed my want to go do these things and he said "okay so let's go." I of course was shocked and said but it's country and would you even like that? He said, "not really, but I would like to be with you." I broke down because that is so sweet of him. All the stress that I've been going through just left me as I just basked in the moment. It was probably a good thing I was at work so I couldn't bawl like a baby. Hopefully soon I'll be checking -Go to a concert- off my list.

Dear Monday, come sooner because I want to hear good news! <<< As I just wrote that I thought how silly I must sound still hoping for good news after I've had so much bad news. I refuse to give up hope. I refuse to stop believing. I know that I can do hard things. When hard things come my way I say BRING IT ON!!!!! I can take you and more! I am strong! (Big thanks to my Mom and Dad for always teaching me that I am strong and I can do hard things.)

Maybe someday I'll post on here my "List"

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the concerts. I've only been to two music concerts and both were country...made me quite happy!
