Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Little Too Much

I don't really understand my body.

I think most girl's with endo don't. I mean seriously I could be having a happy jolly day when BAM out of no where the pain hits and I don't even understand. I haven't had 10/10 pain in a while, but as of the last week it's been hitting like CRAZY.

On the 25-28th of June Jamie and I spent time in Carlsbad, CA. We enjoy that place because it's active and relaxing. We slept a lot, played tennis every day, went to the beach every day and even went paddle boarding in Mission Bay. It was very enjoyable to get out of the heat for a few days. It was almost comical because when we were driving back in to AZ we stopped to eat. I got out of the car and almost instantly when the heat hit me... so did the pain. Jamie took it as a sign that I need to move. I just took it as this is my life.

I just don't really get how sometimes my pain can feel "controlled," but then others every day it's there to the extreme. I don't even remember the last time I was at the gym and had pain until yesterday. I always get so embarrassed because I look like a complete baby! Sometimes I wish I had a blinking sign over my head that says... "I have endometriosis look it up!" Maybe I should make a shirt that says that to make myself feel better. No matter what people won't understand. JUST BECAUSE I DON'T LOOK SICK DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING! Stop staring at me like I'm crippled.

Jamie thinks I should go see a GI dr just to make sure nothing else is going on, but honestly it's just another dr to add to my list and I'm over drs. I'm over stupid tests that show me nothing. I'm over spending money on drs that can't give me answers. I'm just over everything. Excuse my bitterness, but I'm highly annoyed. Sigh... I don't know what to do. Any ideas?


  1. I'm right there with you Stephanie! The pain just comes out of no where, even after the surgery I had in June to remove the endo, cysts and adhesions. Its crazy how it just bends you right over and makes you cry out.

    T-shirt...heck I've thought about getting it tattooed. All my medical problems listed on me. But I'm too chicken to even get a simple rose tattoo.

    I've noticed that just before the endo pain hits I get nauseated. Sort of like I do before before migraines. Do you get something like that too?

    1. I never get nauseated, but some times I feel a tinge of pain and if I stop whatever I'm doing and wait out the storm I can avoid a MAJOR issue. However as of late... it's just major pain. No warning. No hint. Just pain. I honestly don't know what to do.
