Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Jamie

Here I sit. Staring at him. He is black and blue and bloody. Tonight was my scariest dream becoming reality. He was in an accident. He was riding his motorcycle at work when a car pulled out in front of him causing him to fly from his bike. His bike caught fire as well.

I got a call saying he was in an accident, but that he was okay. I said you're joking right. No he wasn't joking. I was at work and cried my eyes out. An officer came to pick me up. Thankfully it was a mutual friend of ours making me much more comfortable. It was a long ride. Once we got there he was in ct and x ray so they wouldn't let me back. Finally when they did it was a crazy mess going on. The dr was talking about his pelvis needing surgery and his toe being dislocated and I was just trying to take in the fact that he was indeed alive. I turned around to see an intubation tray set up and I lost it. I started crying and the nurse became upset at my scene apparently and said oh no not here. I was whisked away into a holding room while they sedated him to put his toe back in place and the a pelvic binder on which is like a girdle type thing. I asked to be left alone and cried in the hall. I called my best friend so she could comfort me. She did a great job at keeping me calm. I was frustrated because I felt like the drs and nurses would talk to the officers but not me! Do they not realize Jamie told them to call me. That I am the one that practically lives with the guy. Who loves and takes care of him! I was very upset. I talked to the officer that brought me in. I told him how upset I was and that I am the one responsible for him not the police force. I shouldn't be getting second hand me down information!!!!! Anyway.... When he woke up I was allowed to go see him again. I went to introduce myself to the nurse and held out my hand to shake hers and she stared at me like i was stupid, but finally shook my hand. He was tired from the sedation. He was groggy but still in pain. I left so others could come in. I returned again since I knew he would be getting an icu bed and I wanted to see him off. As I was there I overheard the nurse giving report and I heard her say I was basically acting a fool and being out of control. Then she continued with that I've calmed down now. I was pretty pissed off but apologized for crying and tried to explain to her that I wanted information and no one was talking to me and it was crazy. She blew me off and stated I don't know how long you have been in the medical field but if we aren't freaking out neither should you. I left it at that and walked away. He went to the icu. I went back to my hospital to get my car, update my work family, and then went home to shower, pack a few things, and drive here.

So here I sit. I can't sleep. I'm sitting in the crappiest chair in America. And my head hurts. But I don't care that I have to sit here with no sleep in this crappy chair because he is alive. He may be black, blue, purple and bloody, but my Jamie is alive!!!! Obviously God was watching over him.

It's gonna be a rough week ahead. Prayers are welcome and appreciated.


  1. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry that the staff treated you badly. If it had been their family member all bloody I'm sure they would have been reacting the same way you did. It might also be that you and Jamie are only boyfriend/girlfriend and not engaged that they thought they could treat you like that too. Whatever their reason they need to learn compassion and not be so numb the feeling of family and friends that come to visit. To me you are his family.

  2. Hang in there! We're rooting for you and hoping for the best.
